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Here comes Chuck Norris
Global warming starts to get serious
PeekAboo I See you.
Satan always hide behind the clouds.
Oh so hell is in the sky??? I knew they were all wrong...
Where is your god now!??
The devil went down to Georgia, lookin' for a soul to steal.
Oh great! Now look what you did! You broke the sun!!!
I can guarantee you that the people in that church are just shitting themelves!
Wow, that is actually a pretty amazing photo...
Heaven. You're doing it wrong!
"Jesus, stop that. You're scaring them again." - Dad
Straight to Hell in 3 -2-1
Fake, what's making the horn shape? Shouldn't there be something in front covering the sun?
"And why in the USA you always laugh at Chuck Norris and Canadians?" - Nowhereman
Here comes Chuck Norris